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About Tracey Heath


TRACEY HEATH : I am a  Registerd nurse who has specialised in Palliative Aged Care for over 25 years. I completed my B.Nursing (R.M.I.T.),Melbourne, Masters in Palliative Care Nursing (Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia). Grad-Dip.Oncology and Palliative Care Nursing (La Trobe University, Melbourne). 

Certifcate in Breast Cancer Nursing.( Latrobe University. Bundoora, Melbourne. Australia)

Certificate in Dementia Care. (Mayfield Centre of Education. Melbourne. Australia.)

Certificate in working with Resident's with Advanced Dementia. (Mayfiled Centre of Education . Melbourne. Australia.)

Certificate in Validation Therapy. (Mayfield Centre of Education. Melbourne. Australia)

Cert.!V in Training and Assessment. Melbourne. Australia.

Ever since I can remember I  have always had an "inner knowning that my life's work would be in caring for the dying. My passion  and    expertise in palliative care nursing  is in  caring for my patients "Spirits"  during their final transition. Over the years my clinical experience includes hospice, community nursing, Residental Aged Care & Acute care, Dementia specific specialised care. 

In 2010, I was honoured to receive the June Allen fellowship award from the Nurse's Board of Victoria- Australia to travel to to USA to undertake further Dementia and Palliative Care studies. In 2008 

I presented at the Antea World wide Palliative Care Congress in Rome, Italy. I have maintained an ongoing relationship with Antea and have presented there several times. I have also taught Palliative care nursing with a focus on "Caring for the Spirit", all around the world. 

In my spare time I am extremely involved in various Aid organisations throughout the world, particualrly the Fistula Hospital in Addis Ababa , Ethiopia which I have supported for over 20 years. Two of the most amazing blessings of my life have been my time spent at the Fistula Hospital in Ethiopia, with Dr. Catherine Hamlin , and at Mother Teresa Home for the dying in Calcutta.  

I also work as a Professional Clown and love to bring joy to both the aged, and the very young. 


 " I am but a pencil in the hand of God, and it is he who writes the                                             story".

  (Blessed Mother Teresa (1987) . Personal Communication .              Kalkata, Calcutta, India.  )

 Now Saint Teresa of Calcutta after becoming a Saint 2016 at the 

 Vatican in Rome. 




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